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Herec Seann William Scott se podle magazínu US Weekly v září tajně oženil. Představitel Stiflera z filmu Prci, prci, prcičky a jeho pokračování si měl v Las Vegas vzít za ženu interiérovou designérku Oliviu Korenberg.

Scott si své soukromí hlídá, a když začátkem září v rozhovoru pro US Weekly došlo na otázky ohledně jeho vztahu, uvedl pouze, že „s někým randí“, že jeho partnerka je „skvělá holka“ a že  ve vztahu s ní je „přešťastný“. Konkrétnější nebyl.

Pod pokličkou pár své soukromí drží i z toho důvodu, že Olivia, jež je spoluzakladatelkou firmy Twofold LA, nepatří a evidentně ani nechce patřit do světa šoubyznysu.

Olivia Korenberg (vlevo) na snímku s kolegyní z firmy Twofold LA

Zobrazit příspěvek na Instagramu

This past August, the TF team said our goodbyes to one of our talented design principals and co-founders, Olivia Korenberg. Working together has been an absolute pleasure and privilege. In the near 8 years together we have achieved more success than we ever could have imagined. Olivia, thank you so much for your time and dedication to the team and for being a huge part of this wild journey. We are so grateful for you and look forward to hearing what comes next in your future. Thank you all for following along, and as always there's so much to look forward to! The TF team and I are excited and ready to continue to bring and spread beauty to all! Message from co-founder Olivia Korenberg - In 2011 I co-founded Twofold LA alongside my dear friend Jenn Pablo. Over the course of the past near 8 years, I've had the privilege of creating memorable experiences and environments for Clients who have put their trust and faith in me. Its taken me to Reims, France where I designed and produced my very first wedding and has culminated here in Los Angeles completing a recent wedding for a couple I've known since high school. At 23 years old I had no idea the extent to which running a business would stretch and challenge me both professionally and personally. I am so proud of what has been accomplished in this past near decade and am excited to see where Jenn Pablo takes Twofold LA in this next phase. I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

Příspěvek sdílený Twofold LA (@twofoldla), Srp 14, 2019 v 8:52 PDT

Seann William Scott a Olivia Korenberg

V minulosti byl Scott zasnoubený s modelkou Lindsay Frimodt.

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