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„Nevěřte tomu, co vidíte na sociálních sítích. Nikdy totiž nevíte, jaká je realita,“ říká šestadvacetiletá Emily Clarkson. Sama na sobě pak ukazuje, že editací fotek ze sebe lidé mohou udělat úplně někoho jiného.

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Let’s talk about FILTERS. And EDITS. And why you must NEVER EVER compare yourself with the things you see on here. There are currently an EXTRAORDINARY amount of filters in circulation. From the “subtle” lil afterthoughts available in your stories (Paris here’s lookin’ at you) to the apps that will (for a bitta £££ each month) hide your spots, pinch your waist or apply the makeup you’ve not bothered with irl since March. Some of these are fun. And on the surface, most of them are pretty harmless. But on the scale that we are now consuming filtered content, conversations HAVE to be had. Because en mass like this, filters are becoming increasingly dangerous. Cos they don't just pose a threat to us as consumers: constantly comparing ourselves with images of people who are selling us an entirely distorted and usually unobtainable reality. They also pose a colossal threat to us on an individual level and to the relationship we have with our body. How are we supposed to ever make peace with our offline appearances if we are able to make our online versions so much more desirable? How will we ever see ourselves as perfect if instagram keeps providing (often unsolicited) ways of making us BETTER? How do we protect ourselves from developing dysmorphia if the reflection we see in the mirror is so consistently different to the one on our screen? I will never begrudge an individual the use of a filter. In most instances their usage is borne out of insecurity - the very insecurity I am trying to prevent with posts like this. But on a societal scale I very much begrudge the creators of these apps and effects. Because they're everywhere. And they shouldn't be. This post was inspired by @sashalouisepallari and her #FilterDrop video. We spoke yesterday and it brought home to me again the magnitude and importance of this conversation. The conversation that we MUST keep having. But for now, here's this. A reminder, please, that this shit just ain’t real and you mustn’t, pleeease, compare yourself to everything you see online. You’re enough. As you are. #FILTERDROP ✨

Příspěvek sdílený Emily Clarkson (@em_clarkson), Srp 5, 2020 v 8:52 PDT

Největší nebezpečí Emily vidí v tom, že se lidé rádi srovnávají s ostatními. Ale jelikož se hlavně na Instagramu často srovnávají s nereálným předobrazem, dle slov Emily „s někým, kdo neexistuje“, jen těžko mohou docílit spokojenosti. „Dívám se na své upravené fotky a jen těžko osobu na nich poznávám, a přesto... jsem to já, jen v ‚hollywoodské verzi‘. Jak pak mohu být spokojená s tím, co vidím v zrcadle?“ ptá se Clarkson.

Za své křivky se Emily nestydí

Zobrazit příspěvek na Instagramu

Some things we’re gonna remember tonight: ✨ we’re gonna remember that the pictures we see on here are only one tiny second out of a person’s day ✨ we’re gonna remember that angles and lighting have the power to alter everything ✨ we’re gonna remember that the use of photoshop and “beautifying” filters is rife and so you can never be entirely sure that what you’re comparing yourself to is even real in the first place ✨ we’re also gonna remember that not only is comparison the thief of joy but that you cannot and should not compare a stranger’s pose with your relaxed body. Its like comparing a hedgehog to a tube of toothpaste. Or a lemon with a plug socket. Its just pointless. The thing that we are REALLY gonna remember though is that it’s impossible to laugh whilst you’re sucking in. And I know which one i’d rather be doing... xxxx

Příspěvek sdílený Emily Clarkson (@em_clarkson), Srp 1, 2020 v 10:30 PDT

„Zabere vám asi dvě vteřiny, než ze sebe uděláte někoho jiného,“ dodává dívka, jejíhož přístupu si fanoušci velmi cení a v komentářích jí děkují za to, že ukazuje realitu - skutečné křivky, celulitidu, pot i nafouklé břicho. „Na celulitidě není nic špatného, ani na křivkách nebo jizvách. Tyhle ďolíčky a boule nás dělají těmi, jimiž jsme,“ míní Emily.

Jedinou problémovou partií je podle dcery moderátora Jeremyho Clarksona „ta část společnosti, která vám vnutí představu, že je s vaším tělem něco špatně“.

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